Professor Emerita of Linguistics and English (Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1964) Traugott has done research in historical syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, lexicalization, socio-historical linguistics, and linguistics and literature. Her current research focuses on i) ways to bring the theories of construction grammar, grammaticalization and lexicalization together in a unified theory of constructionalization, ii) the development of pragmatic markers in various positions in the clause. Publications include A History of English Syntax (1972), Linguistics for Students of Literature (1980; with Mary L. Pratt),On Conditionals (1986; co-edited with Alice ter Meulen, Judith Snitzer Reilly, and Charles A. Ferguson), Approaches to Grammaticalization (1991; co-edited with Bernd Heine, 2 volumes), Grammaticalization (1993, 2nd much revised ed. 2003; with Paul Hopper), Regularity in Semantic Change (2002; with Richard B. Dasher), Lexicalization and Language Change (2005; with Laurel J. Brinton), Gradience, Gradualness and Grammaticalization (2010; co-edited with Graeme Trousdale), The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (2012; co-edited with Terttu Nevalainen), Constructionalization and Constructional Changes (2013; with Graeme Trousdale) and Discourse Structuring Markers in English (2022).